Wes Osborne-Stone AwardThe Dr. George E. Stone Award is the association’s highest honor. The award recognizes a person or organization that has continually demonstrated a strong commitment to the industry, significant advocacy on behalf of public trees, and dedicated volunteer service to the organization.

Previous recipients have included members, non-members and organizations, all of them elected to receive this prestigious honor because of their willingness to support and lend a helping hand to the association. The award is presented at the annual meeting at the January conference. Recognition of the individual is also featured in the quarterly newsletter, The Bark, and on the association’s web page. A press release is shared with the town hall and local paper where the individual resides. The award is not necessarily presented every year.

Criteria for award nomination

  • A minimum of ten years of service in the public tree sector.
  • Recognized for contributions in public tree care and advocacy
  • Worked with the MTWFA and has shown dedication and commitment to the advancement of the Association


2022 Karen Doherty, MTWFA Executive Director 2006-2021
2020 Mollie Freilicher, Massachusetts Dept. of Conservation & Recreation, Urban and Community Forestry
2018 R. Patrick Ellis, Town of Brewster
2014 Eric F. Seaborn, National Grid press release
2013 Dr. H. Dennis P. Ryan, UMass Amherst UMass website announcement
2011 Thomas Brady, Tree Warden, Town of Brookline
2010 Charles Burnham, Massachusetts Dept. of Conservation & Recreation
2007 Thomas Chamberland, Tree Warden, Town of Sturbridge
2006 Dean Charter, Tree Warden, Town of Acton
2004 James MacArthur, National Grid
2001 Wesley H. Osborne, Jr.
1998 Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Management
100th Anniversary Ronald Despres, Tree Warden, Town of Wellesley
1995 Seth H. Swift, Tree Warden, Town of West Springfield
1994 Mount Auburn Cemetery
Newton Pride – Leo Levy
1993 Falmouth Beautification Committee
Dr. Francis Holmes, UMass Amherst
Bull World Wide Information Systems
1989 Professor Gordon S. King
1988 The Honorable Richard E. Neal
1986 McKinnon Wakefield of Milton MA
Telephone Pioneers
1985 Town of Manchester by the Sea, Friends Group
Shade Tree Laboratory, UMass Amherst
c. 1984 Clinton Chamber of Commerce
Earlier years Town of Wellesley (Wellesley Group)
Robert Reardon, Tree Warden, Town of Pembroke
Louis Casasanto, Tree Warden, Town of Clinton
Garden Club of Arlington
Advisory Landscape Council, Sandwich