


MTWFA Field Day

August 22, 2024. Rain for Shine. Please join us for an ALL NEW offering from MTWFA! The 2024 MTWFA Field Day will seem familiar as we will be returning to the Upland Sportsman Club in Plympton, MA. Those of you that attended the South East Tree Wardens event at this location will have questions: Will there be local exhibitors? YES! Will there be a chicken bake? YES! Will it be priced so that I can afford to bring my whole crew? YES! But wait there’s more… this re-vamped event will also provide CEUs focused on safety in arboriculture. Registration NOW OPEN. Attendee Registration. Exhibitor Registration.

Western Mass Tree Wardens Summer Dinner Meeting

June 20, 2024. Please join us for this education and networking event. Topics include CJ Lammers talking on the importance of preserving mature trees and sustainable landscapes planning and design in our Urban Forests and Michelle Matteo discussing the NSF new Urban and Community Forest (UCF) Sustainability Standard. $40. MCA and ISA credits have been requested. Registration deadline is June 14th. Register Today!

Working with Tree Advisory Committees

June 5, 2024 – 12-1 – A.J. Elton, Community Forester for RI will discuss how to work with tree advisory groups in your municipalities to increase your productivity and outreach. This webinar will also feature brief presentations from advisory groups from Watertown, Fall River, and Greenfield so that you can hear how the collaboration is put into practice. This Zoom-style webinar will allow for an interactive question and answer session. 1 CEU pending. Register Today!

Western Mass Tree Wardens Spring Dinner Meeting

Please join us for this education and networking event. Topics include alternatives to petroleum products and an overview of advanced first-aid techniques. $40. MCA and ISA credits have been requested. Registration deadline is March 15th. Register Today!

Chainsaw Safety and Storm Cleanup Workshop

April 24, 2024. Easton, MA. This course will review chainsaw safety features, proper personal protective equipment, proper tree felling, and storm clean-up techniques. This course will combine classroom time with an outdoor demonstration. PPE will be required for the demonstration portion of the course. 6 CEUs are pending. Limited to 30 participants. Register Today!

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