Heather Leff

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Establishing Trees in the Urban Environment – Resources

Logo_MTWFA new no periodThanks to all who attended this pilot PDS workshop on September 12th in Wellesley. Attendee evaluations and the pictures indicated it was a workshop well worth repeating, and we hope to offer it several times more in different locales around the state. Instructors David Lefcourt, City of Cambridge Arborist and Tree Warden, and Rick Harper, UMass Extension Assistant Professor of Urban & Community Forestry, have shared their presentations from the Wellesley workshop. You can find links to each slide show, plus handouts about soil volume and texture, on our Professional Development Series page. The outdoor hands-on demonstrations received rave reviews, but they can only be viewed by attending a future workshop!

2013-11-15T15:08:44-05:00September 19, 2013|

‘Tis the Season – ALB Emergence Update

Pest_ALBThe UMass Extension Landscape Message for September 6th reported that an additional sixteen beetles have been captured since the first Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) of the season was captured on July 21st within the Worcester County regulated area.  Continue to monitor not only for the beetle but for other signs as well, including oviposition sites, exit holes, frass, weeping, and maturation feeding. The 13 host genera to monitor are: Acer (Maple), Betula (Birch), Ulmus (Elm), Salix (Willow), Aesculus (Horsechestnut), Fraxinus (Ash), Platanus (Plane Tree), Populus (Poplar), Celtis (Hackberry), Sorbus (Mountain Ash), Albizia (Mimosa), Cercidiphyllum (Katsura) and Koelreuteria (Golden Raintree). Find everything you need to know about ALB, including identification tips, at the MDAR website.

2013-09-06T22:19:38-04:00September 6, 2013|

MTWFA Tree Warden Exchange Program

ElmTree_eventsLogo_smMTWFA is launching its first Tree Warden Exchange Program. The association has selected three communities to serve as hosts for three visiting tree wardens. Visiting tree wardens will have the opportunity to shadow the host tree warden for one or two days. If possible, we hope that the host tree wardens will have the chance to visit the visiting tree wardens’ communities in return.

Tree wardens who participate in the exchange will be required to write an article about their experience, to be published in the  BARK newsletter. View information and download an application form. The deadline to apply is August 30th.

2013-09-17T21:09:15-04:00July 30, 2013|
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