


Fall Tree Planting Workshop

Registration is now open for Establishing Trees in the Urban Environment, the next event in MTWFA’s popular Professional Development Series (PDS).  Plan now for an educational field trip to western Mass. in the beautiful fall foliage season!  Register here online. To view the agenda or to register by mail, download and print the brochure.

UMass Green School Announces 2018 Course

Every two years, UMass Extension offers its popular Green School, a comprehensive 12-day certificate short course for Green Industry professionals taught by UMass Extension Specialists and University of Massachusetts faculty. This course will not be offered again until 2020.

Designed for landscapers, lawn care specialists, nursery operators, sports field managers, public and private grounds managers, arborists and others in the green industry, our comprehensive course is for horticultural professionals who want to gain an understanding of economically feasible and environmentally responsible plant and land care practices and the relation of those practices to protecting the environment. Both experienced professionals as well as those entering the green industries will benefit from this course. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, AS SPACE IS LIMITED!  ag.umass.edu/landscape/education/umass-extensions-green-school

EAB Detections Spreading Across Massachusetts

Stay up to date with the emerald ash borer (EAB) detection map from the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture (MDAR). The current map shows recent finds in Westfield, Southampton, and Springfield.

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