MTWFA Tree Planting PDS Workshop

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Logo_our events_ElmTreesmRegistration brochure now available! This workshop is a repeat of Establishing Trees in the Urban Environment: A Hands-On Approach, a popular workshop held in fall 2013.  Register early: attendance is limited to 24 people.

A tree planted in the urban environment will face many challenges: soil compaction, incompatible pH, road salt, pollution, insect pests and diseases, and vandalism. In addition, according to one survey, 93% of professionally planted landscape trees had root collars that were obscured by soil or mulch.

In the face of these challenges, proper planting  is a critical first step to successful tree establishment. Adherence to industry best management practices (BMPs) will result in fewer girdling roots, better plant performance, and higher survival rates. Trainers Rick Harper, UMass, and David Lefcourt, City of Cambridge, will again present this 3-hour program, answer your questions, and demonstrate sound planting practices for successful establishment of trees on urban sites. See the pictures from the 2013 workshop.


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