Inland Wetland Plant Identification

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This introduction to inland wetland plant identification begins with an overview of the major characteristics of woody and nonwoody vegetation used for identification in most plant keys. Guided exercises will be used in a classroom/ laboratory setting to practice keying out plant specimens collected from local wetland sources. An afternoon field trip to a local wetland will allow opportunity to practice identification skills in a natural setting. Related topics such as plant adaptations to wetland hydrology and the concept of “hydrophytic” vegetation will also be discussed.
REQUIRED TEXT: Field Guide to Nontidal Wetland Plants, by Ralph W. Tiner, Jr.
Additional cost: $25 for text. (Please indicate when registering, if you wish to purchase a copy of this field guide.)

This is Part 1 of a two-part series “Identifying Freshwater Wetlands in the Landscape.”   Sponsored by UMass Extension and the University of Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Conservation.

COST: $100 EACH PART, includes instructional materials (except textbook), morning break, and parking (lunch is on your own). If registering for both sessions, total cost: $190. Pre-registration required, as space is limited.

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