Identifying Inland Wetland Soils

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Participants will be introduced to some of the fundamental characteristics of soils that are used to identify hydric (wetland) soils in the field, including soil texture, color, horizon type and redoximorphic features. The afternoon will include a field trip to a local wetland where participants will examine plants and soils along a wetland/nonwetland gradient. Plant communities will be used to locate transitional wetland-upland areas in the landscape for further investigation of their soil characteristics. Participants should have taken Part I of this series or be able to identify wetland vegetation (by permission of instructor).
This is Part 2 of a two-part series “Identifying Freshwater Wetlands in the Landscape.”   Sponsored by UMass Extension and the University of Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Conservation.

COST : $100 EACH PART, includes instructional materials (except textbook), morning break, and parking (lunch is on your own). If registering for both sessions, total cost: $190. Pre-registration required, as space is limited.

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