Green School 2020

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Green School is going VIRTUAL! The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated a temporary shift to remote delivery, and thus dramatic changes in the way that we are offering the program for 2020. Using available technology, we have attempted, to the extent possible, to recreate the classroom environment and routines of the Green School experience. Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection!

The course will begin on October 26 and continue through December 10, 2020. UMass Extension’s Green School is a comprehensive, multi-session course for horticultural professionals who wish to gain an understanding of economically feasible and environmentally responsible plant and land care practices and the relation of those practices to the protection of the environment. Click here for complete description and registration information.  Please see note below regarding registration.

This course is designed for practitioners such as landscapers, lawn care specialists, nursery operators, sports field managers, public and private grounds managers, arborists and others in the green industry. Both experienced professionals as well as those entering the green industries benefit from this course.

Green School students learn about sensible and sustainable methods of plant and land care as well as responsible nutrient and pest management. They learn scientifically sound information that enables them to make better purchasing and management decisions, and to be better stewards of the environment.

Green School is taught by University of Massachusetts Amherst Extension Specialists and UMass Stockbridge School of Agriculture faculty. Instruction is done via classroom style lecture and interactive activities, and is supplemented through online resources via an online learning management system.

Green School is taught by University of Massachusetts Amherst Extension Specialists, UMass Stockbridge School of Agriculture faculty, and guest presenters. While the in-person interactions and networking that Green School traditionally offers will be missed, this temporary shift to virtual instruction will benefit Green School attendees in many ways while prioritizing current public health best practices and restrictions:

  • Registration cost savings due to reduced overhead.
  • Savings of time and travel expenses.
  • Attendees who have previously been unable to attend due to travel restrictions/distance will now have the opportunity to join us from the convenience of their own homes!
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