Ornamental Tree and Shrub ID and Insect Walk

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Studying for the MCH, MCLP, or MCA exam? Want some hands-on experience identifying significant landscape plants to expand your palette of offerings for your clients while also scouting for potential insect problems? Join Tawny Simisky, UMass Extension Entomologist, and Mandy Bayer, Extension Assistant Professor at UMass Amherst, for a walk around the grounds at Tower Hill. This will be the perfect time of year to focus on trees and shrubs with particular seasonal interest as well as insect pests that are active.
1 Pesticide contact hour for categories 36 and Applicators License available.
Association credits: 2 ISA, 1/2 MCA, 1/2 MCLP, and 1 MCH credits available.
Cost: $50. For registration options, go to http://ag.umass.edu/landscape/events/ornamental-tree-shrub-id-insect-walk

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