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Committee Members Description
Executive Ed Olsen, Rich Parasiliti, Chris Gonzalez, Brandon Schmitt, Art Goodhind Association's officers.
Finance Brandon Schmitt, Chair
Blair Crane, Art Goodhind, Paul Sellers, Ed Olsen ex officio
Providing oversight for the overall fiscal policies and financial operations of the organization
Nominating Art Goodhind, Chair
Julie Coop, Alan Snow, Marc Welch, Kyle Grendell
Presents proposed changes and revisions to the officers and board and at the annual meeting for membership vote.
By-Laws Alex Sherman, Chair
Julie Coop, Art Goodhind, Dave Hawkins
Reviews association constitution/bylaws; makes recommendations for changes and revisions as needed. Oversee revisions/updates to the tree warden handbook.
Conference Richard Parasiliti, Chair
Art Goodhind, Ed Olsen, Tom Brady, Tom Chamberland, Julie Coop, Marc Welch, Joel Custance, Chris Gonzalez, Rick Harper, Blair Crane, Leah Grigorov, Jim MacArthur
Organizes the annual meeting and conference; identifies and arranges for conference speakers; coordinates site-visit to the conference facility.
DCR Urban Forestry Advisory Council (State Urban Forestry Council) MTWFA reps: Tom Brady, Paul Sellers, Kyle Grendell, Dave Lecourt, Joel Custance, Jim MacArthur
UMASS rep: Kristina Bezanson
MAA reps: Open
Meets with the State Urban and Community Forestry Coordinator to review state program plans, annual narrative, and fall accomplishment report and make recommendations; assists with review of the twice-yearly state grant program.
Education | PDS Dave Lefcourt, Chair
George Batchelor, Julie Coop, Joel Custance, Rick Harper, Dave Hawkins, Richard Parasiliti, Brandon Schmitt, Alex Sherman, Alan Snow, Marc Welch, Kyle Grendell, Chris Rosa, Kristina Bezanson, Paul Sellers, James Sacco
Plans, schedules and oversees the Professional Development Series (PDS) program; plans educational programs for the annual conference (with the conference committee)
MQTW Marc Welch, Chair
Tom Brady, Julie Coop, Rick Harper, Dave Lefcourt, Brandon Schmitt, Alex Sherman, Richard Parasiliti, Kristina Bezanson
Subcommittee of Education Committee for the Mass. Qualified Tree Warden Course
Outreach Chris Gonzalez, Chair
Tom Brady, Kyle Grendell, Chris Hayward, JIm MacArthur, Richard Parasiliti
Establishes strategies and tasks for increasing membership and involving active members in association activities.
Scholarships Kyle Grendell, Chair
Paul Raskevitz, Chris Hayward, Ed Olsen, Alan Snow
Works with educational institutions to solicit scholarship applications; reviews scholarship applications and determines recipients; determines scholarship amounts (with board); requests checks from Treasurer; reports names of scholarship winners to the board and the membership.
Seedlings Richard Parasiliti, Chair
David Hawkins, Kristina Bezanson, Chris Hayward, Alan Snow
Organizes and conducts the Arbor Day Seedling Program; provides the association with updates on the program and program needs; reports the net gain from the program that is available for scholarships.
Long-Range Planning | Chapter 87 Marc Welch, Chair
Chris Hayward, Kyle Grendell, Tom Brady, Jim MacArthur, Richard Parasiliti
Formerly the 2013 committee, now works toward establishing goals and objectives for the next five years. Reviews legislation and recommends changes and updates.
Enterprise Technology Kyle Grendell, Chair
Marc Welch, Richard Parasiliti, Heather Leff, Ed Olsen, Art Goodhind and Brandon Schmitt
The goal of this committee is to research and implement the best-suited technology for the association. This includes but is not limited to the web site, and association management software.
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